



2024-07-21 01:22:47 来源:网络


look out of是什么意思??
look out of的意思是🐂_——🐑🏅:向外看🎍🐁|-🎎🤖;朝外看🐳🌞_|🌷🐓;从……朝外看固定搭配look out of sth 向…外看look out of something 当心某物a look out of 意思是向外看look out of the 朝窗外看例句1🐑😱——|🐳、Do some income or expense categories look out of line?一些收入或成本类别是否有不合理的地方?2到此结束了?🏓————🎏。
1😿🥇——-😦🥅、look out of 🍀🐪-🏆🐱:look的基本意思是“为了看清某物而有意识地向某一方向看去”🌓😪-🐐🦌,指使用人的视力🌑😰|🌩,强调的是有意地“看”的动作🌔💐-🦂🦡。2😒|_😳、look out at🎆-——😨:look用作及物动词时主要作“注视”解😗_🐨,引申还可作“留心”“注意”“期望”解🐑🕷——🐦,其后可接动词不定式🦨🐤-🦇、疑问词引导的从句作宾语🌞😰|*。可用于祈使句🐘-_🌗。三🌝_|🐤🦃、侧重点希望你能满意*-_🤔。


look out for和look out of分别是什么意思???
look out for🐵_🐩:搜寻(某人或某物)🐂_🎍🐉,试图得到(某物)🦔-——😹;留神提防🏸——|🌵😸。例句🍄-|*🎋:I felt that I had to look out for myself, because I didn't see that anyone else was going to.我觉得必须为自己考虑一下了🌏-🐨⛅️,因为我看不出还有谁会替我考虑🦢|♦。look out of🥊|-🐾🥎:向外看例句😅——🐇:She swivelled round 说完了🦃🐀——🎗。
look out of和look out at有什么区别??
look out of 意思是透过什么往外看look out at,是看外面的什么比如look out of the window,透过窗户往外看look out at the beach,看外面的沙滩😷🥏__🦜,
lookout of 于look again 不是一个意思*‍❄🏅-🌼⚡️。look again 是再看一下🎉-🐭,而lookout of是警戒的意思🎯🌥-😧🪆,例如🦃😒|——😇🍂:1)He denied that he'd failed to keep a proper lookout of things that night. 他否认那天晚上他未能小心警戒🥍|——🐖。2)He kept a sharp lookout for any strangers. 他警惕地守望着🦍🎃|🦛,不放过后面会介绍✨🐂_——🌝⚾。
look out from the classfrom 还是look out of the classroom??
不是一个意思的look for意指“寻找”e.g😿🐰————😽:he is looking for his bag.(他在找他的包)look out for 意指“当心😎_🙃,注意”e.g🐋🎋_-🐭:look out for the stone.(当心石头)
don't lookout of the window??
look out of 从……向外看1.If you look out of the window you'll see her car.如果你朝窗外看的话💐🐨_🪀🌼,你就可以看到她的车.2.Look out of the windows now.What can you see?现在请向窗外看.你们看见什么啦?3.If they look out of those big city hubs then it could be good 如果等会说🌟*-|🎰🦏。
Look out of the window的中文翻译Look out of the window 望出窗外双语例句1 She look out of the window and see the postman come up the path.她向窗外望去🌕🐡|🐍,看见邮递员正从小道上过来😄——_🎆。2 I look out of the window, i saw french name on the wall.向窗外望去🌗🥍-😞🎆,看到了墙上的法语说完了🐏-——😨😜。